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retail industry sustainability initiative
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The Value of Supply Chain Sustainability

New trends, such as lean manufacturing, just-in-time inventory, reduced product lifecycle, and shifting consumer preferences, have proven to be good for business, but they have also introduced new kinds of supply chain challenges.

Improve Performance
& Reduce Costs

Drive Innovation
& Growth

Manage Risk
& Protect Your Brand

Current Clients In Industry


芬美意(Firmenich SA)是一家瑞士私营公司,从事香精香料业务。该领域内,芬美意是规模最大的私营公司,且在全球排名第二。芬美意的香水制造历史已有100多年,推出了众多知名香水产品。


Bérangère Magarinos-Ruchat 全球可持续发展主管

法国近期出台的法规可能会对我们有所帮助。因为在此之前,LVMH旗下各业务部在可持续性方面各自为政。根据法国近期出台的《萨宾第二法案》(Sapin II) 和《企业责任警戒法》(loi sur le devoir de vigilance),LVMH集团应对子公司经营活动负责。因此我们需要加强业务部、业务线和集团等各层面的内部合作与联系。此外新法规还加强了我们希望在子公司之间构建的协同效应。总而言之,新法规对我们大有裨益。我认为EcoVadis可以帮助采购企业快速准确地勾勒出可能带来采购风险的供应商的情况。

Christian Galichon LVMH 首席采购官

WEEMATCH is a consulting agency in Advertising Objects & Merchandising. Since its founding in 2005, the agency has offered B2B and B2C support, notably by creating e-commerce sites.

It is absolutetly necessary to draw on the skills and expertise of each department in the company [when completing the EcoVadis questionnaire]. The scorecard has two main advantages - significant time savings and the competitive advantage of having a sustainability rating. EcoVadis enables us to improve the quality of communication with our clients.

Benjamin Stetten-Pigasse Founder and Associate Partner
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Solving a Challenging Problem

EcoVadis brings a global service solution that breaks through limitations of redundant questionnaires, un-actionable self-assessment data, and expensive site audits.

Platform Overview


The EcoVadis scorecards help companies monitor suppliers’ CSR practices across 190 purchasing categories and 150 countries. The assessment framework is customized for each company according to their activities, size, and geographic location for operations.


Access dashboards to monitor performance of your portfolio by buyer, category or custom filters. Request assessments, create reports, export data and engage your team in your risk and performance goals and initiatives.


Benchmark supplier performance per theme by purchasing category or country.

Action Plans

Access action plans to start a dialogue between buyers and suppliers on actions taken by the supplier to improve their CSR performance.

供应链去碳化的最新战略: 获取 2024 年报告