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The Value of Supply Chain Sustainability

Consumer affinity for socially responsible brands has shaped the way CPG companies are leading the change in prioritizing sustainable procurement and supplier transparency. Leaders are going beyond brand protection and risk mitigation and driving business growth through innovative sustainable product categories and business models (e.g., circular economy).

Improve Performance
& Reduce Costs

Drive Innovation
& Growth

Manage Risk
& Protect Your Brand

Current Clients In Industry

Over a dozen consumer goods leaders rely on EcoVadis Ratings including Nestle, BIC, Edgewell, Henkel, Mars, Unilever and more.




Chantale Rouleau 采购总监
Coca-Cola Amatil

Coca-Cola Amatil(CCA)是亚太地区最大的非酒精即饮饮料装瓶公司之一,也是全球五大可口可乐装瓶公司之一。


Michael Haynes 采购类别和可持续采购经理

芬美意(Firmenich SA)是一家瑞士私营公司,从事香精香料业务。该领域内,芬美意是规模最大的私营公司,且在全球排名第二。芬美意的香水制造历史已有100多年,推出了众多知名香水产品。


Bérangère Magarinos-Ruchat 全球可持续发展主管



Katrin Feyerabend 负责任采购全球负责人

我们发现,EcoVadis在对我们大部分服务和间接材料供应商的管理工作中表现得非常高效。通过 EcoVadis,我们能够深入了解供应商的经营活动。EcoVadis携手雀巢负责任采购部,为供应商提供基于现有工作成果展示可持续性绩效的独特方式。对于雀巢等采购企业,EcoVadis平台可以帮助避免重复性工作,并确保与战略供应商就负责任采购开展有效协作。

Taylor Miller 负责任采购经理

AIM-PROGRESS: A Collaborative Initiative

Over a half dozen members of the FMCG sustainable sourcing initiative AIM-PROGRESS, have joined forces to leverage EcoVadis.
How do your sustainable supply chain practices compare?

sustainable procurement initiative for f&b and cpg industries

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EcoVadis: The CPG Sustainable Procurement Secret Weapon

EcoVadis brings a global service solution with an evidence-based methodology that helps procurement teams mitigate risk, drive improvements and boost innovation.

Assess and monitor CSR practices of suppliers and third parties, and engage them in continuous improvements to drive performance and innovation.

Platform Overview


The EcoVadis scorecards help companies monitor suppliers’ CSR practices across 190 purchasing categories and 150 countries. The assessment framework is customized for each company according to their activities, size, and geographic location for operations.


Access dashboards to monitor performance of your portfolio by buyer, category, or custom filters. Request assessments, create reports, export data and engage your team in your risk and performance goals and initiatives.


Benchmark supplier performance per theme by purchasing category or country.

Action Plans

Access action plans to start a dialogue between buyers and suppliers on actions taken by the supplier to improve their CSR performance.

+Ability 系列网络研讨会:提升贵公司掌握供应链企业社会责任的能力。
新功能:2024 指标:将采购转变为可持续性和可恢复性战略合作伙伴